• Address601 POYDRAS ST., 21ST FLR. NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 United States
  • Emailsupport@fidbase28traden.org
  • +1 (717) 942‑1245


The entire company's asset website, including the layout and design along with all the content and images are protected by copyright and as such, you are not permitted to reproduce any part of the company's asset without our prior and full approval. In continuing our promise towards investors in assuring their trading is conducted with confidence Asset trader fx fully transparent trading policy to its stakeholders and investors. We give you all the required trading information you need, including good rates, spreads and leverage, and other benefits of being an investor under our platform. All provided to ensure a safe and comfortable trading experience.

This total dual outcome is the reason the term "trading" is used. trading Options can be applied to a broad number of assets, including commodities, stocks, indices and even currency pairs. The main prerequisite required by these assets is that their values fluctuate constantly throughout each trading day. This is important as you never actually buy an asset when you purchase a trading option; you are simply making a speculative investment on an assets behavior over a set period of time. trading options have gained much popularity in recent years, due to their simple up/down nature, the low cost required to participate and the increased return on investment profits (ROI).

They are now more accessible and successful than ever, and we provide an incredible opportunity for investors to earn vast profit. The content of this terms of service is for information purposes to guide the stakeholders and investors as they sign up with Asset Trader Fx. The terms and conditions of this agreement, and its acceptance of investor’s application to open and have a managed account with Asset Trader Fx. This company/platform will maintain one account in customer’s name, and will effect cash settled transaction with and for the customer, and provide such other services and products, as Sprint Global platform may. Before you can become an investor under Asset Trader Fx, you have to first register yourself, choosing any of the different investment plans/account types we offer. On completion of registration, your account will be verified, and a trader/account manager assigned to your account. To start trading with us, the investor must fund his/her account with the minimum deposit of $200.00 and the unlimited deposit which falls under the different investment plans/account types we offer. After period of trade of selected plans, investors are eligible for withdrawal or rolling over of their accounts (compounding).

They are now more accessible and successful than ever, and we provide an incredible opportunity for investors to earn vast profit in a space of one month.

The content of this terms of service is for information purposes to guide the stakeholders and investors as they sign up with PAM. The terms and conditions of this agreement, and its acceptance of investor’s application to open and have a managed account with PAM. This company/platform will maintain one account in customer’s name, and will effect cash settled transaction with and for the customer, and provide such other services and products, as PAM platform may.

Before you can become an investor under Asset Trader Fx, you have to first register yourself, choosing any of the different investment packages/account types we offer. On completion of registration, your account will be verified, and a trader/account manager assigned to you. To start trading with us, the investor must fund his/her account with the minimum deposit of $200, and the maximum deposit of $1,000,000(One Million Dollars), which falls under the different investment packages/account types we offer.

After period of trade of selected package, investors are eligible for withdrawal or rolling over of their accounts (compounding). Investors are advised to notify their traders three days before withdrawal.

Account Safety

Account Safety
1. Ensuring clients have filled valid proof of identification
2. Maintaining records of identification information
3. Determining that clients are not known or suspected terrorist by checking their names against list of known or suspected terrorist.
4. Informing clients that the information they provided is valid Secondly, money is transferred or moved to other accounts, through a series of financial transactions designed to obscure the origin of the money using peer to peer.



If you have a question about an element of trading you need to know that there is someone there to help and advise you. This can be a 24-hour virtual assistant for the customer support. We offer a high level of customer service.


For many, time is a valuable commodity. No longer do people have the time to be sat In front of a computer at a desk all day. They need the flexibility to be able to trade on the move. That is why having a good mobile offering is critical.


The income of our company grows every year, and will grow hereinafter with the increase of the demand for the cryptocurrencies and increasing its cost price. Through the long period of working, we proved our high level and have won the trust of our partners, earned a good reputation. We have created the structure with efficiency, that not many people can boast about. The Company is striving to create the most comfortable conditions for our clients and ensures the quality of work of our entire team. We take pains by all means to improve the lives of each our client, for the welfare of our customers – it’s the most important.


All personal data which you provide the company are stored in an environment of strict confidentiality and are protected by the Law on protection of personal data. All your personal data can be used by the company only for optimisation of investment interaction between fidelitybase Investment and investor, and also for improvement of quality of the provided services.

All data which are collected and/or can be collected by the company are carefully protected from a possibility of a taking by them with the third parties. Modern systems of transmitted data encryption, and also the technologies, which are for this purpose used counteracting DDoS-attacks, hacker programs and viruses.

fidelitybase Investment can contact you by e-mail at any time to provide you information on market tendencies of modern process of investment and/or to inform you about new marketing materials, materials focused on training and education also. Besides, company can send you letter with a request to estimate of the services level, provided of the fidelitybase Investment. Being registered on our website, you give not revocable public consent to accept these letters to the e-mail address which you have specified at registration. PARTNERS


If you look at the number of Forex pairs, commodities, indices and stocks that you could choose to trade in there are literally thousands. What you want is the option to choose which of these markets you want to trade. Choosing a broker that offers a wide selection means that you have much more choice. Make sure you check what is available before you open an account. If you want to trade non fiat currency markets, check out cryptocurrency trading.


For many, time is a valuable commodity. No longer do people have the time to be sat In front of a computer at a desk all day. They need the flexibility to be able to trade on the move. That is why having a good mobile offering is critical.